Tuesday, 7 January 2014

The Male Type Humanoid

D-day came and I cooked home-made fish &potato bakes and a baked veggie pasta mission, nothing fancy at all. At 7pm Nemesis showed up with two bottles of wine in hand and a box of chocolate...he's a gentleman I said.

My “very excited to see a male type humanoid” daughter eagerly grabbed his hand and told him to get comfy; on a rug, on the floor. 

Let me hasten to clarify a few things before you make the wrong assumptions about me and my value system. I am not your typical 'single mother’, my daughter is not exposed to nefarious behaviour especially on my part. Where men are concerned especially I want my child to be able to have male friends as well as female, healthy relationships across the sexes. But you know how it is though that us single mamas are all whores...oh we wreck homes...I am not raising my baby this way. 

So Nemesis was a very safe zone. We are friends, he eats, and he goes no big deal. He can be exposed to my baby cause there is no romance or room for her to grow attachments and become hopeful that any man that comes into my life will father a farm of siblings for her.

Dignified gentleman in position, his food handed to him he tucks in and boyyyyyy did he tuck in; Mr ‘I never eat’ damn near ate the plate. Dinner was a hit, apparently bone free no-fuss meals are the way! They are EVERYTHING! We toasted to friendship on my balcony. A kiss on the hand, goodnight…or not…he got to the door and asked my sister if it would be ok to spirit me away for an hour or so, so that we could talk some more.

I looked a hot mess

With my bed slippers on I allowed myself to be led down the stairs, stood aside as the door was opened for me, he went as far as to buckle me in. I had floated on clouds to the car in all my sweaty after full shift waiting tables all day glory. This bothered neither me nor my host. He asked where I would like to go I said anywhere, this is your call.

He drove 5mins from my home so that I was not too far away from my child, and he had promised it was just going to be for an hour. When we arrived I pushed open my door as he was in the middle of a mad dash to open it for me...too slow Romeo, chivalry is dead remember

Suck on it !

We walked in casually and almost in step with each other, got ourselves sat comfortably at a table, our table. By now he already knew to get me a Castle Draught. Now now, calm yourself. Yes I drink beer. I love it. It's one of the macho butch things I do as well as...............ah story continues. We talked and talked and laughed and we had soooo much to talk about, not missing any beat, the hour went by too fast.

Our interactions were like sparring, you know the way a matador leads a bull, only with our dance it was a beautiful role exchange. He would relent and cede the ropes to me and I would do the same, on cue. Not like a Paso Doble` , he would have been dominating me if it was that. Each of us led and followed the other with a strong frame for the other to balance on. I was on my tiptoes, on the edge of my seat, saying anything that came to mind and not being judged for it.

 I decided.
Not yet

I didn’t want to over extend myself either, having left my purse at home what if he has no budget for this. I asked if he wanted to go.
He said honestly no, but I know you have responsibilities so if you want to we can. I said no too. Stand-off.

I asked to use his phone to call my sister and ask for more time (also so she had his number you know, just in case). All set !

Soon it was 11, 12, 1am ...wtf? But we just got here? And I had a shift at 6am.
We got to the gate and goodbye took forever...engine eventually switched off and we surrendered to our mutual mental tango. I only got to my bed at 3am, he bade me farewell with a kiss on the hand and thanks overflowing for the company. I took a grin filled quick shower got into bed and had a restful 2hr sleep to get the child ready for school and me for work.

 Those clouds under my feet from last night ever-present…

( Follow me on Twitter : @mazituwe )


  1. Mmmm i seriously think you should write a book..i know a good read when i see it

  2. Thank you for the encouragement, I will follow wherever this road leads :)
