Thursday, 16 January 2014

Light Me up

While Nemesis was away I had an incident that involved a light-bulb and lamp holder in my apartment.

The thing that held it on to the ceiling had three clasps and I had yanked one too hard and it was now deceased. He had made me promise not to touch it as if for the past few years of my single life I had needed a recruit to do the man things around the house, but I decided what the hell, let him have it.

While he was away I had put out inquiries to see if I could find someone to share the flat with as well...BIG MISTAKE. My new roommate , let’s call her Scary Sherry -was on some next level paste my makeup on, do I look fat in this, crazy bipolar student tip. She broke things, repainted the walls in foundation, harassed me over the phone ,used my shit and didn’t wash it and got into waking me at 2/4am talmbout someone's watching her or knocking at the door.  She would get up in the middle of the night to touch up her face in a shade of foundation too light for what for dude?

One night when Scary was away I got Nemesis to come over and 'fix' the light since it is such an un-girly thing to do. Baby was away too so we made an event of it. I was ready in thigh high boots, a black cut out g-sting and a bust popping embellished black corset with bright red lipstick on. After he put in the light-bulb we broke in the flat and he lit me up, formally. 

We started out in the bathroom since it was the closest point to the entrance of the flat. I proceeded to make a big show of brushing my teeth and stacking up toiletries and stuff. He stood behind me, watching my face in the mirror and started tracing kisses up and down the left side of my neck, his strong hands gently cupping my breastesses …it felt sublime and induced massive goose-bumps I just swooned. He took me so forcefully I was crying out in pleasure after just a few seconds. From there we went into the kitchenette for a sip of water and were eyeing each other over the counter-top, biting lips and licking tongues…making love faces … he grabbed me over the counter to his side and stood between my legs then he handled that bit of business. 

Luckily one of my adopted mums had said her grandchild can't sleep on the floor when she had an extra bed, so I had a bed now. We violated every surface in that place. Rolled over onto the bed, on to the floor with a thud that left us both in fits of giggles…we crawled to the balcony and right there watching people walk past we broke in the place.

 I was so exhausted I didn't want him anywhere near me and sent him off to his place. I had baked muffins in the afternoon so at least he had something to nibble on with his coffee in the morning. I’m a good, domesticated type and I feed all ends. After a restful night with thumb firmly planted in mouth, I woke up to start looking for a new place to stay. 

My first port of call was the former landlord who drew up a jail sentence type list of requirements. Unfortunately it wasn’t going to work out for us. One of the conditions was that I had to participate in all church activities thenceforth, this meant Sunday churching all day,work or no work,Wednesday cell group (to me Wednesday is wine night and dinner with the girls…sorry) I had to show my faith and commitment by being able to quote bible verses in response to even the most mundane of life’s problems . My daughter couldn’t colour in mermaids and other mythical creatures because this is how demons enter the body…the list goes on. I believe in God and I pray but the things that went on in this house, I still don't fully comprehend. Believe in whatever God you choose but don't choke and gag me on it all in the name of promoting your perception of religion or faith. 

These people INVENTED God, full-stop. It is my firm belief that this is what they believed. I was raised in a pretty conservative church setup: these Charismatic Prosperity and Miracle gospel churches honestly freak me out.

Like I said before believe in your God your way but don't force me to pay homage to Him your way. If you howl when you all means do this. Please don't expect me to be dancing with joy over impromptu all night prayers in the next room with work @ 6am. As we have by now already gathered, sleep and I aren't the best of buddies. She is a cruel fiend, eluding me when I most need her. Now put that together with 3hourly loud shouting in tongues sessions I had little hope of making it by moving back there cheap or even for free.

So I kept looking until I found an ideal place and made arrangements to go there. Scary Sherry and her makeup bag had to make a plan; the month I stayed with that girl was hell. She was a filthy slob, careless and puddle brained. I finally shook her off. I moved myself n baby to new home and no matter how much Nemesis tried to get involved, this was none of his business. I scrubbed walls and floors and handed keys over to my landlady of three months. I settled in nicely at the new place and I loved it. Things were finally settling down in my life n I could see a feint silver lining on my dark clouds.

Baby kept bringing in good grades and the man kept giving good grain...Peace at last!

(follow me on twitter @mazituwe )

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