Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Candy Rain

Did I mention the smses and the phone-calls...ohh lordy lord! 
This guy communicated constantly, consistently. Days went by, drinks, dates, talks...all casual. If you ask me when things changed I could never be able to tell you an exact date . But for the first time in years I saw a male who was in tune with me. A man who stimulated my intellect .In spite of myself and probably at the same time as he, hands started being held under tables, twiddling of fingers, twirling of hair

Then one night as he dropped me off at home he asked permission to kiss me. My eyes popped out of my head! Asking to kiss ME? What planet are you from? People just aren’t decent like that anymore, they just grab what they want and leave our heads whirring afterwards with questions about did I even really want this .

He kissed me.
All frillybutterflysugarpopcandyfloss jellybeantoffeeapplepeachygrapes

Chocolatelycaramellyspongymarshmallowcandycanewhippedcream !!!
His Issey Miyake,smoke n' beer flavour.
He kissed me!
 it was good! He took my glasses off, looked me in the eye and did it again, tender and rough, pulling and biting and tugging and needing yearning and aching-just so delicious. I had to get out of there fast. My legs wouldn’t let me leave. It was back and forth goodnight, bye, bye mmm bye ahh mmm bye...After an eternity that flitted off like a heartbeat he bade my lips farewell. He drove home and as usual let me know he was safe.

He also had something to say...I made him feel alive, can we?

My Nemesis ain't no coward, we would talk about it tomorrow. This meant another date. But only after the date would we discuss "this" in depth, AT HIS PLACE.I went through the day in a daze impatiently checking the time, til the time he had said he would came. I went through the usual motions of taking care of supper, homework, house-keeping. This man keeps time, if he said he would be at a place 18:00 ,it was 18:00 stat that too is another thing that made me feel valued.

I knew just the sound of his voice was enough to force a gush of  fluids to places I no longer cared to assign to any man. They were mine.
By now I had been to his home a couple of times, watched movies or at least pretended to. What was between us was comfortable, easy, super electric charged. This man didn't even need to touch me, I was orgasmic just by the way our minds connected. 
He had me ,he had me way before he HAD me

I believe in God. I pray. I believe in ancestors and energies, karma etc. One of the strangest ironies is loving a man who doesn't. This has taught me tolerance beyond anything I ever thought my upbringing imprinted in me. Love who you love and don't be fazed.
The fact is your life is everyone's business and their business is none of yours. People will talk; if you choose to listen go right ahead and do that to your own peril.
My man and I are so different yet so similar we don't finish each others sentences; we say the same thing at the same time

( Follow me on Twitter : @mazituwe )

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