Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Stroking the KittyCat- Lessons in Self Pleasure

So the story continues. I hadn't been dumped so my record still held...phew. 

Nemesis and his conscience had to get it together. He had been away about a week and we had slipped back into the routine of old, communicating any chance we got and partook in those long phone-calls. There was so much unsaid and I was aching for baby to come back home. I didn't want to be taken over the table, just to be held and cuddled. 

He called me one night drunk as a skunk talking gibberish and slurring over his words almost in tears because he missed me. I listened as he recited poetry and sang to me highly likely dancing across the room suffocating a pillow. It was just past lunchtime there so he had had a beer with his breakfast and it had gone south from there.  Might I add that he can write a mad poem, much better than me.

He sent me an sms during the day talking about the feel of my skin against his, my breathing on his chest, hearts beating in tune etcetera…

“Lying together, nothing between us, feeling naked skin touching mine, the rise and fall of your body as you breathe ...the involuntary shudder as I kiss your neck, the softness of your breath. The thoughts I have when I can't touch you”

 Homesickness and loneliness do nice things to the man. The phone-call ended in fits of laughter after he had puked his guts out and decided to turn in literally while the sun still shone.

Gents pleeeease I implore you, get poetic with your women, few things make us as dizzy as short notes, post-its or cute little letters all over. Dazzle her with a little note stuffed in her toiletry bag, or a series of them. Cheap , effective ways to make sure you put money in your bank for later withdrawals *wink wink*.

The next day I chided him for not taking care of himself and eating right, but my concern was borderline nagging. My mummying of Nemesis always has either of two effects dependent upon his mood. He can either welcome it enthusiastically or loathe it emphatically. I honestly didn’t give a damn; I wanted a healthy, randy man upon his return. The only excuse I would accept was jet-lag, and that very begrudgingly. 

I just grinned at my phone for hours keenly paying attention to the pulse in my groin. How did he affect me so much so far away? The thud thud thud was so loud it was now ringing in my ears and making my whole body ache. Whatever was I going to do? I couldn't respond to his sms (because I had no credit) and also since i couldn't focus long enough to want to go looking for any. That night he called earlier than normal in a right panic, wondering if I was ok and had his message offended me. I let him prattle on and abruptly told him to hang up. He was taken aback but i insisted, I had a plan and I knew he was not going to regret it. I had finally found sense and got some credit.

So I loaded up a small amount and proceeded to my bubble bath ...with my phone in hand and got picture happy. I started off teasing him with a bubbly covered toe and sent that. I moved it up until I got a bit of knee and thigh out. After each shot, I would send the pictures to him. I did a hand on cooch bubbly shot. I moved up to the girls and snapped a modest but very titillating nipples covered shot. Sent that. Then a soapy full frontal shot. Then I spun around and did the full soapy back shot, to top it off a very steamy finger in corner of mouth, lips slightly parted juicy looking dripping steamy shot! That was the coup de grace

He walked…. no ran out of a meeting with his financiers to call me immediately. He never returned until the next day. Lied about he wasn't feeling well and it must be the heat, hell he even begged yellow fever-in a first world country! He dashed out of the boardroom bent over double trying to get to where no one would see how excited he was.  All he had managed while still in the meeting was a text with wide eyes and a grinning face. I had him!

I just want to speak to the ladies for a sec, SEND YOUR MAN NUDES! Especially if he shouldn't be seeing them, remind him why he needs to rush home. 

I finished off my bath and luckily my baby had long since slept. We had to find a way to release this pent up tension; he was already in his room by then. He called. It was a very breathy greeting on my part and I took the lead. With my voice I started to stroke him and take his clothes off. I drew imagery of how my body looked and felt as I instructed him to take a seat and let me rub his back, gently kissing it better. I told him to see me throw his shirt across the room and strut around so that I was facing him full on, nothing on but some high heels. I told him to lie back as I took his shoes and socks off and gave a gentle foot rub, feet became calves, became thighs, became...

With this very vivid imagery going on I told him to watch me stare him in the eye as I pulled his pants down, digging my nails in. I let him visualize me throw that too across the room. I made him see me go down trailing a path of hot kisses and licks till I got THERE. Kissing, blowing, biting, licking on his neck and ears. Travelling down to his chest, down...down...down. Then I virtually jumped on the armchair and straddled him with my legs. I let him imagine me repeating the cycle… All I could hear were moans and groans of sheer ecstasy over the line as he let his imagination be led by mine. I told him to wrap his hands around the fullness of my derriere and appreciate the goddess like form, yeah I said it! 

I made him mentally trace kisses along my ample chest and let him just fall into me. Before long I told him to yank his boxers... I drew even more torturous diagrams and let myself go completely. I heard him gasp sharply when I told him to reach down below and stroke it for me. I told him to be gentle like he knows I would do and directed my muse through each move. I told him to imagine me going back and forth and becoming more and more ruthless with him with a wicked look in my eye and fire in my mouth.

It took a couple of minutes of encouragement and our own brand of back and forth dirty talk for me to hear his phone land with a heavy thud on the floor. OHHHHHHH YEAAAAHHHHHH!

So I thought_well done me! What was more interesting was that this whole experience was a first for me…don’t ever, ever tell him this, he believes I am a maestro at everything I do and I might lose some bed-cred. By the time he picked the phone back up I was in tears laughing at him. 

Nemesis decided that it was only fair the favour be returned. He started off aggressively and commanded that I lay on my tummy and pay attention. He said I should stretch out my hands above my head and imagine him behind me leaving fiery hot wet kisses up and down my back and tush. I had the phone firmly clamped between my ear and shoulder as I let his voice blow over me like a cool breeze. The effect was amazing! He took me through the motions of all the things he intended to do to me as soon as he came back. I could almost taste his kisses and smell him within me. Listening to the rise and fall of his voice as I lay there languorously stretching my limbs and keening towards his voice.

 He told me to turn over and place my hand down there, I could take as long as I wanted to get there and take as many detours as I needed to. All I had to do is tell him each and every move I was making so that he could take back the reigns and tell me what I needed to do next. As I turned I literally felt a gush go loose and told him this. I heard him grinning to himself before he proceeded to tell me what motions I was supposed to be making…I had to “treat his girl right”. iI decided on a very hands on approach- pun intended! I gingerly let my hand move instinctively and apply pressure, soothe, relieve, stroke, caress ohhhhh wasn’t it just sublime? Before long he was left talking to himself as I threw the phone to the side and allowed the tidal waves to take me over.

Now it was his turn to laugh!

And laugh he did! We both calmed down and I wiped the tears from my eyes wondering what had hit me. We indulged in some intense mumbling and pillow talk way into the rest of the night and even had time to discuss News headlines from that day. That's just how we roll!

A new level had come into it, a whole new dimension. Is this how long distance relationships survive? Do they not just go out and cheat on their partners? How could they if they could have this…I eventually dashed out of bed and had a quick shower then spent a few minutes grinning and shaking my head at myself in the mirror and not totally believing what had just happened...*hides*

(follow me on Twitter @mazituwe)

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