Friday, 24 January 2014

Non-Nemesis Post

I am feeling despondent, lost, like I am a failure and so many different things I can hardly articulate today….I would like to dedicate today’s blog to anyone who can relate to this

Yesterday brought on a new level of appreciation for the gift that is life. Before you sleep tonight remember that tomorrow is not a guaranteed thing

Spare a thought for that parent who does not know where their child is or has had to bury them before they had a fair shot at life

Spare a thought for that mother who nursed a child and that father who feels he's a failure because he didn't protect his family sufficiently

Spare a thought for that woman who had only a shoe left to identify the mangled corpse that once was a child brimming with potential

Spare a thought for that broken family that never found their lost or stolen child. Spare a thought for the pain that child goes through

Last night, and even now I sit here thankful that although I do the best I can for my daughter, her safety and wellbeing I cannot always control outcomes

I sit here thankful that she was safely in bed when so much could have happened that would have stripped my life of meaning in this day

For a few hours today everyone who knew where my child should have been could not provide answers. For those hours I was dead inside

With each passing second, horrific possibilities of what could be happening to her pierced my heart. Time stood still and still moved too fast.

There are so many things I need to make right for my daughter's security and massive gaffes she has committed in crying out to me and also in helping me

All my energy is drained. 

But I'll get down on my knees and praise God that I'm with her. I will take time to spare a thought for those without... those without hope, without answers and without closure.

Please pray for them too.


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