Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Erotic Games-Hide the Sausage

He came out of the airport and straight into the hatch.

He had been gone 6weeks now. I had to keep busy so I got some friends over and prepared to make them dinner. I had finished shift at 2pm and spent 2hrs napping. Around 4pm Nemesis texts me some silly, random and disarming nonsense. I couldn’t be angry because it was so cute.

He sold me some cock and bull story that he had run out of credit for roaming and he apologised for being MIA. I bought it. I had kept myself too busy to give a damn anyway. We texted back and forth a bit more then he just stopped replying, as suddenly as he had started. While I was bathing he resurfaces and says tells me to get naked. I told him to fuck off since I had guests and he was in Australia anyway.

To that he replied 20minutes. I told him to go hang. 

He replies: make that 15.

I lazily dragged my carcass out of the bath to go and buy supper stuff. The girls got out of the door before me and my daughter and one of them run back into the flat bouncing all over the place. As they stood screaming 'NEMESIS' is outside and I was mid eye-roll, a text comes in from him saying come to the gate now. My eyesight is pretty bad, I will say this now. He had parked where I could see him from my door (if my eyes worked) but I still doubted it was him. Not to be rushed I sashayed down the stairs to the gate. As I got there my footfalls quickened into a proper gallop.

He was back!!! My Nemesis was back!

 I almost dived into him through his open window, smacking and punching his chest. No kiss has ever tasted so sweet. None. My wobbly legs somehow managed to get me to the other side of the car and I got in. My friends and baby had driven out and he refused to let me out the car, as if i wanted out anyway. I gave them the money I was going to buy supper with...

I have never seen him drive his car so fast. As the garage door closed at his place almost half of our clothing was off. We could eat and talk later. We left his luggage in the car because he had come to see me straight from the airport. He literally carried me up the stairs, leaving a train of clothes all the way. Bed, floor, head banging on walls, kitchen counter, stairs, dining-room table, at the sink, in the big tub upstairs, in the know the drill

He only let me go when I was shaking with hunger. Then we went for dinner and got to catching up. On the upside his meetings had gone exceedingly well and it had been well worth the effort; on the downside this meant he would be travelling more often and as with this trip without any warning. I was conflicted to say the least primarily due to the fact that  it was obviously something he wanted so badly and also since this had dire implications for our relationship. I brought him up to speed with everything that had been going on since he left and I barely ate due to a combination of butterflies from finally seeing him and a churning stomach from what he had been saying. We went back to his place mmmmmmm!

My legs could shake all they wanted the man was home and he deserved his dues. It had been a good day at work the girls had got pizza and chicken then instructed me not to come back until I was realigned sufficiently, apparently I had a severe pheromone imbalance and had become a thorn to their sides with my unpredictable mood swings. Bullshit if you ask me…but I wasn’t about to back out on a good game of “Hide the Sausage”.

 See, another thing about me is that monogamy is a major turn on for me, I become like a crazed animal when handed the pole by someone whose trust and respect is mutual and I will give as good as I get. This is the first relationship in a few years where I have felt so secure mentally and emotionally that a lack of the physical is as orgasmic as a time of plenty. This man is so sexually skilled that what had been done before his departure kept me sailing through the entire six week hiatus. You know how it is when you get it so good that even the richest, sexiest, drop-dead-gorgeousest man of your dreams doesn’t interest you in the slightest. When you would rather wait and be faithful knowing upon his return he is going to make everything alright again, you don’t need anything else. 

There was nothing before him and there will be nothing after.

Boy was I realigned, well into the next afternoon. We had our usual morning ritual and went back to bed after I had spent the whole night being held tight, caressed, whispered to and cuddled. We didn't need more.

With a massive display of reluctance, he returned me home. Once there he insisted on repaying that lady from the hospital saga and made sure that I conveyed his thanks for everything she had done.

Since the babysitters didn't want give me back my child, Nemesis came to get me again...Nether regions don't tire.

 It was onnnn

(follow me on twitter @mazituwe )


  1. "This man is so sexually skilled that what had been done before his departure kept me sailing through the entire six week hiatus. You know how it is when you get it so good that even the richest, sexiest, drop-dead-gorgeousest man of your dreams doesn’t interest you in the slightest. When you would rather wait and be faithful knowing upon his return he is going to make everything alright again, you don’t need anything else. "

    Pakadai ungaendepi zvako!!Delicious Monogamy!

  2. Whether this is a collection of real life events or a collection of thoughts and dreams..captivating!

  3. These are actual events going on in my life and have been over the past few months! Glad you appreciate the read :)
