Friday, 10 January 2014

Live And Let Live

Speaking off the cuff

Thank you all for the tremendous response to this blog and the encouragement. I am amazed by everything. 

This weekend is my daughter’s 7th birthday and I will be taking some time out to concentrate solely on her. I pray that I continue to find the strength I need to be able to continue to be both mother and father to this angel. I love her.

That said I would like to reiterate as I have done before that this is an exercise I have undertaken in a bid to heal some of the wounds life has inflicted on me. The chances that it will offend and seem like a long drawn out gloat-session and touch on very sensitive issues is high. I make no apologies for that.

I am being very careful to make sure I tell my story with as much care as possible to the people in it and those that know about it. My only request is that those that know me personally , are concerned or even involved maintain anonymity as well as not breach the trust I have in them by revealing details about their intimate knowledge of certain aspects of my life. In as much as I am telling a story, I am not the only actor. Those that I have not told in person that are following this…the knowledge we have of one another should be your guide. I can only account for how I feel and if it is any consolation I do not govern anyone’s responses or opinions.
As a free thinking individual I believe we are made different and not agreeing with someone is not a reason to judge or hate them.

Being that the world is such a small place with all this technology around us I appreciate that as much as you sit there reading this now and loving it, another person is looking for a bucket to puke into. Allow.

While we are on that subject:

 Life has ways of making you appreciate the world around you. 

Love has ways of making you notice the sunrise AND sunset and drive you to seek them out. It makes you notice the patterns clouds form as they drift in the sky. 

Love makes rumbling thunder and flashing lightning seem like the currents that fuel your soul, your soil. 

 It drives you to seek out the small things around you that make the world and forces of nature so profound, so beautiful. 

Love has the power to connect you to the source of life in such a way that the buzz of a mosquito and creak of the noisiest cricket become beautiful sounds that are in fact the soundtrack of your journey. 

Let love be the underlying, guiding, defining factor in all the decisions we make and all the things that we do

Live and let live, 


(follow me on twitter @mazituwe )


  1. I'm hooked onto your blog mami, you are good with words...can almost see the scenes and all...writing is therapeutic, keep doing soo :) And happy birthday to your lil angel :)

  2. Much appreciated! She says thank you, she says she doesn't want to type on my things because her spelling isn't good yet lol. Like her mother she is a lover of love in any form and from any direction,allow!
