Thursday, 9 January 2014

In The Playground-The Sexcapades

Nemesis is an artful, attentive lover.

 I can confidently say he’s the best I've ever had. He handles the female terrain with fervour and aplomb. Skilfully manipulating my body and its crevices coaxing eruptions, tremors and proper monsoon season landslides.  Night after night we disappeared from the world and fed off each other. 

The loving started early in the evenings with our aural tangoes, our own brand of intense foreplay. Fire and lightning would be searing through my body and all it took was one touch when we finally got to where we could be alone. 

My pleasure was his calling; all that mattered was me…and I am sated only when he decides whether or not he has pleased me enough. If he decided to spend his entire night familiarising his tongue with my belly button he would do that; as long as it pleased me, he did it.

Might I just take a moment to digress here with a word of advice, KEEP YOUR GRASS CUT . Male, female I don’t care. A huge chunk of the pleasure is taken out of copulation because of poor hygiene and grooming. Let’s just respect ourselves and our partners make the grooming happen together and add eroticism to the act. 

Among my beliefs is the fact that as we grow older we tend to play less or not at all. Why limit yourself to endure that mundane Saturday night-once –a-week-are-the-kids-sleeping-yet-close-the-curtains-turn-off-the-light-don’t-make-a-noise-type-missionary-style sex? Play with your partner, push limits, and explore sensations. 

Why should you only “bump uglies” in the bedroom on the bed? Test that couch, the floor, washing machine, tub, shower, and car bonnet . If the mood takes you soon enough why should you even be able to make it up the stairs? 

This is our adult way to play, remember how you used to get in the sandpit or pool when you were younger? Nothing was a no-go area…you wouldn’t know falling off a swing would hurt unless you tried it… nuffsaid

We established a routine, this has stayed with us no matter where we go, and he wakes me up in the mornings gloriously-wink wink
Thereafter he makes us coffee, his white with no sugar and mine black, strong with one sugar. No man has ever made me anything. 

I was sitting there grinning from ear to arse thinking let me send a pic to my mama to say I made it at last!

 A domesticated man! Who handled his business like a MAN!

We would both bath; I made the bed, picked up the clothing strewn on the floor and join him for coffee. Like a well-oiled machine. Week after week this was the train of things: meal/outing then bed, repeat cycle. It was pure bliss, untainted bliss

( Follow me on Twitter : @mazituwe )


  1. Fill her, make her scream for mercy as
    you contort her physical being into positions it's never dreamed

    My my my great post

    1. One would think you were there my guyyyy!
