Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Hairy Affair

Communication is the glue that holds any situation together, I've found this to be most true when in  relationships. 

Once that glorious glow of having things in common is overtaken by the glow of never wanting to be apart and that is taken over by the glow of mind blowing sex which should normally emphasize the glow of never wanting to part.

There has to be a solid foundation it all stems from unless one or both were weaving tales of wanton wonder-lust. In short, as long as it isn't a mind-fuck there is more to it than bumping uglies.
Where a bottom line is built upon; as with buildings whose stability depends on concrete relationships' stability depends on the glue of our words and  actions. Do we keep our promises? Do we maintain and foster communication and trust? 

I won't lie. I am as cynical as they come. When we last put a microscope to my life I flippantly reeled off details about my personal life and some of the "associations" I have encountered. I neglected to mention my GROSS,SWEEPING,INDISCRIMINATE distrust of each and every single male I have encountered...even my faith in my own superman from conception was to be dashed as I grew old enough to understand.

Nemesis failed to cast many aspersions within me and I handed him the rare gift of 87% of my Trust. So bad are my trust issues that my child at the age of seven is living with the knowledge that her 100% impunity is a direct reflection of her Math grades. Should these slump as she grows,there shall be a 500g packet of salt with her name on it as soon as she opens her mouth to talk joining the 5kg already in my handbag for when everyone else talks. I am always ready with the liberal pinches of salt and it (the 500g)shall increase should the grades get lower.

Anything you say can and will come back to bite you in the arse when you least expect it. I have a memory that terrifies it's owner and an ability to recount blow by blow any occurrence that disconcerts me.
So at 87% Nemesis has a High Score right there! 

That was until sometime in September. When the wretched A-word made an unwelcome appearance again. He was due to travel as usual for work. As usual I had no problem with any of that. He was going to be gone for two weeks but we obviously had to bank some serious bedtime.
He got me over to his temporary place and as we entered the living area clothes were already being flung on the floor and furniture. It was very urgent and almost all consuming...almost I say ....until the urge to go to the toilet interrupted the pre-coital gropes.

I loosened myself from his embrace and made a mad dash for the toilet which is right next to the door we had burst through moments before. I flicked on the light switch and dived bum first on the receptive pot.
Having purged myself of a violent flood and sat there in the satisfying afterglow of the relieved bladder, with eyes half shut and humming gleefully to myself in sheer ecstasy- I wiped up ,flushed and rose to wash my hands. Out of the corner of my eye I spied a long strand of dark brown hair yelling for my attention from just under the corner of the mat. 

Firstly I hadn't visited in almost a week and

Secondly I most certainly did not have a long brown weave on but almost blonde braids and my natural hair is kinky and black.

Thirdly Nemesis doesn't exactly get his hair done beyond a clean-cut bald head and shave, he's only a fan of long hair in other people's heads. 

Fourth- Nemesis lives alone

Be it before he moved house or now when he rented accommodation on a week to week basis...
This man lives alone!

                                                 Somebody was going to die tonight.

(follow me on Twitter - @mazituwe)

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