Friday, 18 April 2014

Animal Urges

Humans are animals. We let go of inhibitions and hangups when we find ourselves in a place where our lumps,bumps and tigerstripes are adulated. It ceases to matter where we are or who might hear or see us. 

That said,I too am an animal.

I let myself be pretzelled right on that counter and there was no need for words. There was no time for clothes to be properly removed and neither was there a need for it...ain't nobody had time fo' that shiiiiiit.
All it took was a vicious flicking of my racy lacy crotch cover and a stretch for the pack in the direction of the glass cabinet above my head and within two seconds he was covered and I had been forcefully impaled. I dug my nails into his lower back and pulled him hungrily into me. I wrapped my legs tighter about Nemesis's knees and as my heels dug into the back of his calves it became harder than ever to ignore that unwelcome pain. 

I'll deviate for a second here and ask how people pull off sex in heels. It hurts, is impractical and leaves ghastly looking gashes and scratches wherever contact is made. I find it near impossible to concentrate on manipulating the phallus balancing and aligning as I pop it, swerve ,slide or twerk on the thing. Any blue movie that makes it look like it's working is also a lie. Nothing about it looks or feels smooth when attempted by us mere mortals. 

Deviating even further, how do you take pictures and video and still take delivery of a good thwacking. My feeble attempts at recording my own trysts for posterity have been fails on epic levels. While I lie there with posterior flying high and probably oily and glistening to generate more auditory pleasure from the occassional slap- with my face crushed into a pillow and shoulders parallel to it,enthusiastically taking delivery of the phallus with my hair wrapped tightly around your wrist...IS THIS REALLY THE BEST TIME TO BE REACHING FOR A CAMERA??? 

I am open to learning; so to anyone who has surmounted this great obstacle and conquered ,please contact me with tips and whatnot my details are at the bottom. The best I have ever been able to do is pay attention to a large mirror or seven strategically placed around a room.  

Nevertheless I slid down from the sink's side and did a quick turn to profer him my ample derriere. Nemesis got the clue and gleefully stroked it with both hands as he simultaneously lifted my wet skirt up and out of the way. I felt him breathe into my ear while he slipped a hand to the front and prodded for a few beats until he found the moisture he desired. Nemesis grabbed the back of my head and firmly pressed down until I lay flat on the counter top. With a slight nudge I felt his throbbing heat sear straight through my dripping,throbbing tunnel. By now his trousers were gathered about his feet as he plunged relentlessly in and out of me. I could feel the front of his shirt coming between our skin and it was anything but welcome. I stole a glance back at him as I gathered it up and held it to his torso while still allowing him to keep me held down in position and also trying not to wake up the Durban...while we were in Pretoria.

Like a rabid bitch I was howling and gnashing my teeth telling myself I was a big girl and I could take it. 

Boyyyy did I take it! This was officially our first quickie and those 45 minutes flew by like a few minutes. When he finally collapsed against me in submission and pulled out,that offensive white shirt had come between our skin again. On it was a glaring red stain that seemed to report I had bitten off far more than I could chew. My poor vajayjay had taken a pummeling of a lifetime and the only thing that compared to my shock at this sight was his profuse apologising. We both knew I was nowhere near where Aunty Florence was visiting and there was no valid explanation for what we were both staring at. 

He pulled me straight and stared into my eyes asking if I was alright. I was grinning like an idiot and nodding my head rapidly  and giggling intermittently. He pulled a chair to my behind and propped me on it , still apologising for 'hurting'me. You'd best believe I was still kinda orgasming and nothing he said actually hit home. I was giddy and delirious,basking in the afterglow of a well deserved re-aligning especially after all the tension that hair debacle had inspired. 

I only came to when he asked if anything like this had ever happened to me before and jokingly inquired if I was sure I had actually pushed my child's head out of the same orifice considering her head and the head I had just been assailed by are both huge but to varying degrees. 

He gently led me upstairs and sat me on the side of the tub as he drew me a hot bubbly bath. I was mumbling to myself, watching him hurriedly fuss about getting me a towel and getting me out of the rest of my clothing.
He got into the water first and pulled me in after him. The tub is quite big it could probably accommodate 4 adults in one go. He put me on his chest and lathered up a loofah and softly washed my entire body. He looked rueful at times knowing we had a whole night ahead of us where cuddling would probably take centre stage since he had mutilated the goods. As soon as he was done I washed him over and lay back as I let him wrap a towel around himself then me and followed him to his bed. Without saying a word, I snuggled into his neck and breathed him in...feeling like an absolutely glorious, sated and divine Aphrodite. 

It was still quite early so we twiddled our fingers in unison and talked for a while about his impending trip. I begged him to stop apologising about earlier as neither of us could ever have known the plumbing would fail us when it has been through worse and least of all when it was the last thing we needed. At some point sleep took over until I woke up feeling a massive urge to empty the bladder. 

I snuck out of his embrace and tiptoed to the toilet to relieve myself. As I finished up and dried up I noticed that there was no more cause for worry. I ran back into the room and jumped on the bed like a toddler, shaking Nemesis awake and with one simple demand.


(Follow me on Twitter -@mazituwe)

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