Monday, 10 March 2014


So Nemesis and I had been going strong for a while now and had kind of settled into the lull of sex charged comfortability. Days turned into nights and they turned into days where nary a moment went by without wanting to consume each other whenever we were apart. For a good chunk of time there was no travelling on his part, no bloody A-word and no drama. 

One weekend my pumpkin and I took a trip out of town and decided to spend the weekend visiting with friends. All was well...Until he went out that one night and even if I had been in town I felt I was going to give it a pass. He was in really high spirits and I honestly just wanted to sit on my bed and twiddle my fingers and listen to baby reading me fairy-tale after fairy-tale in the company of my girls. 

He called and I missed his call as I was deep twiddle and seriously concentrating. Next thing I got an sms saying babe, why don't you pick up and was I pissed off about something. I deliberately ignored that too as the twiddle was reaching epic proportions. We (baby, friends and I) had decided that we were going to going to lose our minds even further in a game of 5-7yr old age appropriate Scrabble.

We were not backing down...we were going innnn. 

No matter how bad you were feeling wherever you were Nemesis. There was no beef whatsoever but you know how it is when you just start feeling crowded by Love. I wasn't feeling like being banged senseless or cuddled clueless and I genuinely couldn't express that. He rang a second time and this time I excused myself from the throes of the enrapturing board game, and went outside to listen to his silky voice caress my body like the gentle breeze I stood in.

Before I knew it I was leant against a pillar almost catching cramp from twiddling my toes and imagining my feet intertwining with his in our pre and post coital tango. I slid to the floor and squeezed my thighs together, rocking back and forth as the throbbing was getting too much. As if he read all my movements he egged me on. Timidly at first and with ever increasing fervour I sat there like a praying mantis, loose limbed but attentive just begging for some kind of release.
His voice rose and fell rapturously. He made me feel him tracing hot wet kisses, down my neck and behind my ears; around my collar bone and on the pert peaks of my nipples. Blood was filling up my head generating a thudding that had me woozy and seeing shooting stars in a light dusk sky. Damnit, if I rushed back now I could still make the train back home and bang his brains out all night long...the friends could wait. 

Then just as suddenly as he had me breathing heavy down the phone I had to calm myself to speak to his friend he had been having drinks and catching up with

Hie *clearingthroat* ehermm uhmmm Hie *clearingthroatagain* how are you? My name is Tuwe...phew no hint whatsoever of my unstable state seemed to travel through the airwaves and Mr Friend was none the wiser about how whorish I felt at that moment.

Nemesis had gone to get something from his car and Mr Friend and I got better acquainted. He asked a bit about me what I do blaa and somewhere along the line I let slip that I bake. He let out a mighty roar and said that means nothing if u can't brew a proper beer woman! Luckily my contemporaries did a good job in training me to be a 'proper' woman so with great confidence I announced my prowess in the manufacturing of inebriating substances and momentarily earned myself some serious bragging rights. Papi grabbed the phone back and talked general nonsense for a while until we got disconnected. 

Almost two hours and several beers later and the loss of any good sense and inhibitions Nemesis and Mr Friend were on the phone again. By this time my girls had safely left my baby with a battalion of likeminded kids, a paid baby sitter and a very weary grandmother; fed and sufficiently stocked up on marshmallows and cartoons. We left home, headed for the sanctity of a jazz club where we could flex a bit of tail as well. I picked up...  First thing to assault my ears was the sound of loud raucous music and the evident backdrop of a nightclub.

With much difficulty we talked and upon inquiring as to where I was and getting an answer the next statement blew the lid off my evening. 

Hunny, please don't let anyone touch you while you are out there...that ass is mine, do you hear me? You are MY BITCH!!!


Ohhhhhhellno! Bitch???? Me? 

Oh you done crossed the line right there mister! 

With your friend beside you that I haven't even met and you are busy throwing around words like that about me? I immediately hung up on him. After at least seven call backs  I eventually picked up and made sure I was in the noisiest place possible since he was now home and obviously watered down...I told him very politely that I was in no mood to discuss his gaffe and we would maybe deliberate on it upon my return. He almost cried begging forgiveness and I was not giving any of that out. I told him to sleep and reflect on the error of his ways, I would see him tomorrow.

Upon return to Pretoria I sought him out and on first opportunity tied him to a bed and put him through the most delicious hell he has ever experienced. All I wanted was to hear two words Jesus (very important coming from a nonbeliever) and Bitch... I rode on that thing like my life depended on it, pleasured with my tongue and a slicked oily body until both words erupted from him with such violence it almost landed me on the floor. 

Sweating and breathing hard I planted a satisfied kiss on his lips as I untied him and calmly whispered...'In this and other rooms,bed, naked grinding your brains out ...this is where you call me BITCH not in the middle of a club...   

We giggled, then laughed and breathed erratically...and that inspired bitch let herself get flipped over and pummelled all night to her and her Nemesis's delight

(follow me on Twitter @mazituwe)

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